WasabiNoise – Making Music and Youtube videos

Installing Acoustic Foam on the Ceiling for better sound when recording / home studio

Published in music production.

How I installed the foam on the ceiling to diminish echo and reverberation. With this method, the foam is easy to remove without residues. UPDATE: 1 year some did remove part of the painting, but nothing big.
Check that any materials can be used according to your zone and fire code.

Microhpone NTG4+
UK https://amzn.to/2LgBuqL
US https://amzn.to/36uAZmJ
Everbuild Spray Contact Adhesive:
UK https://amzn.to/2LbL7KE
Couldn't find it in the US but you can search for a 3M adhesive spray that can work on rough surfaces https://amzn.to/311TRIF

Ace Punch 24 Double-Sided Clear High Adhesive Mounting Tape Tabs:
UK https://amzn.to/2uy2VFv
For other countries, I would use 3M command strips, I've seen other videos using them without issues https://amzn.to/2tOQ3P4

The foam you can see in the video is the Advanced Acoustics 12" Wedge Euphonic:
UK https://amzn.to/2up186x
I have no idea what foam to recommend to other parts of the world but one thing I would recommend checking is the NRC per frequency. The Wedge Euphonic Acoustic tiles have an NRC of 0.75: 0.11@125Hz, 0.42@250Hz, 0.83@500Hz, 0.86@1000Hz, 0.97@2000Hz, 1.09@4000Hz. This is the best way to compare them.

The acoustic blankets are from Vocal Booth To Go:
UK: http://www.vocalboothtogo.co.uk/product-category/acoustic-sound-blankets/
US: https://www.vocalboothtogo.com/shop-soundproofing-curtains-mobile-vocal-booths-accessories/