WasabiNoise – Making Music and Youtube videos

ROLI Lumi on Desktop (Mac/PC and Ableton Live). How to play any scale, chords, and more!

Published in music production.

How to play any scale and chords with this MIDI controller by ROLI. I'm using Ableton Live but you can apply this to any DAW.

00:00 Intro
1:03 Look at ROLI Dashboard (standalone PC/Mac app)
3:39 ROLI Studio Player Scales
4:05 ROLI Studio Player Chords
5:00 ROLI Studio Player Arpeggiator
5:52 Use Studio Player as a MIDI effect to play chords/arp on other instruments/VSTs (Ableton Live)
8:06 Send MIDI to LUMI to light up notes from other instruments or when playing tracks! (Ableton Live)

This video does not contain promoted content. I bought this controller with my own money on Kickstarter. These are my own opinions and my own experiences with the product.